Beatitudes, Part 2: Blessed are the Poor in Spirit
We’re digging into the Beatitudes this week by looking at the ‘poor in spirit’. Notice it doesn’t just say ‘poor’. What does ‘poor in spirit’ mean? It’s an internal reality and it’s foundational to the rest of the beatitudes.
The primary characteristic of all Christians is humility (or at least is was at some point!). Why? Let’s examine the text and find out.
Focus Text: Matthew 5.1-12
Key Verse: Matthew 5.3
Key Points
- Salvation does not come without humility.
- Ephesians 2.8-9
- Titus 3.5
- John 14.6
- Sanctification does not come without humility.
- Colossians 3.1, 3.5
- Galatians 2.20
- Servanthood does not come without humility.
- Mark 9.33-37
- Mark 10.35-45
- Philippians 2.1-8
Let’s look to Christ’s example. For more about who he was, read further in Isaiah 53.
View the Sermon Slides on Faithlife.com
Other Sermons In This Series

Beatitudes, Part 1: Intro
July 07, 2019

Beattitudes Part 5: An Appetite that Satisfies
August 11, 2019

Beatitudes, Part 3: Blessed are those who mourn
July 21, 2019