Romans VS: His purpose vs Our purpose
Ever had Romans 8.28 quoted to you? Often we attach the verse to tragedy and we attach it to ourselves. But is that really what it means in context? The subject of the verse is not me or you, it’s God. Learn more about the true focus of this verse as we delve deeper into Romans 8.
Focus Text: Romans 8.28-30
Key Verse: Romans 8.28
Key Points
- It’s about God showing off His goodness
- He is good – all the time – regardless of our circumstances
Questions to ask
- When was the last time you tasted God’s goodness?
- Are we going to choose to be His instruments of righteousness? of good?
- What does it mean that you’ve been glorified by Him now and for eternity?
- If God is for us, who is against us?
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Other Sermons In This Series
Romans: Chosen vs Free, Part 1
February 23, 2020
Who can be against us?
March 15, 2020
Romans VS: According to His Purpose
February 16, 2020