Romans 12: Transformation by the Renewing of our Mind

Romans 12: Transformation by the Renewing of our Mind

We’re in Romans 12:2 today, learning about being transformed by the renewing of our minds.

  • Renew carries two definitions because it’s a combination of two words:
    • New & Again
    • Renewal is an ongoing process.
    • 2 Corinthians 4.16 – It’s a daily process – not weekly or monthly.  “Day by day”
    • Colossians 3.10
  • Transformed
    • “μεταμορφόω ” = metamorphoó:  to change form.
    • We get the word ‘metamorphosis’ from this Greek word.
    • The concept means everything in our lives will be touched by this metamophosis.

Why put myself in a place where daily change is necessary?

    • So we can test and approve what God’s will is (Romans 12.2)
    • We live in the dark in regards to what God’s will is in the big things, because we choose to live in the dark for the little things.
    • Luke 16.10
    • Matthew 22: Love God, Love People.
    • Luke 6.45-46
    • James 3.9-12

Am I hungering and thirsting after righteousness? Am I bringing God’s name glory?


  • It’s a process.
  • A transformed life results in the transformation in others as well.

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