Pain & Humility

Pain & Humility

We’re gathering to look at 1 Peter 4.12-19 and the concepts of Pain and Humility.

Pain is given to the believer for the purpose of personal growth.

  • We know pain is a part of life.
  • We accept pain when working towards a higher goal.
  • We often avoid asking or praying for things because we want to avoid pain that comes from growth.

Pain is also allowed so we will pursue repentance.

  • Pain should cause self-evaluation that leads to change.
  • Luke 6.43 – 45 example of the fruit tree
  • Am I going to allow my pain to be productive?

Humility is key

  • Look at Christ’s example in Philippians 2.1-11
  • Matthew 22.34-40
  • When we lack humility we put the focus on us.

Key points:

  • Pain is inevitable; but productive pain is a choice.
  • Questions like “Why am I going through this?” need to change to “What are you trying to teach me?”
  • We must choose to live in a posture of humility.  It is the only posture that allows us to see the world for what it is.
  • I need to process my pain for growth in humility because there are people God has called me to minister to.

Questions to ask:

  • Am I going to allow my pain to be productive?
  • Am I focused on what God is trying to teach me through pain?
  • Am I choosing to live in a posture of humility?
  • Am I allowing God to use me for His kingdom?

Other Sermons In This Series

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