Nehemiah: A Purpose & Place
The people of Israel needed to fill the city walls with inhabitants that the city will function, so they call for volunteers and determine who will live inside. We’re in Nehemiah 11 this week.
Big Picture:
The city will not be what God wants it to be without more help. It’s an ‘all hands on deck’ call to service.
Key Points:
Pastor Jon highlighted several verses: Nehemiah 11.1-2, 6, 9, 12, 14, 16, 19, 21, 24, 35
- Unable – Moses
- Exodus 6.12, 30
- “God, I can’t”
- When Moses finally said yes, God used him to become one of the greatest leaders in the history of Israel.
- Uncomfortable – Gideon
- Judges 6.11-15
- “God, I am anxious”
- When Gideon finally said yes, God used this timid, confidence-lacking man to become a bold and courageous warrior for God.
- Unwilling – Jonah
- Jonah 1.1-3
- “God, I won’t”
- When Jonah finally said yes, God used him to help lead one of the greatest revivals we find in the Scriptures.
- Unqualified – Matthew
- Matthew 9.9-13
- “God, I’m dirty”
- When Matthew finally said yes, God radically changed his life from being an enemy of the people to being a friend to the Son of God.
- Unavailable
- This response is not the same as being unable, uncomfortable, unwilling or unqualified.
- In order for Jerusalem and the nation of Israel to be restored to its former glory, God required all hands on deck. The same is true of His church today.
- Everyone has a purpose and a place where they can serve.
Am I:
- Unable?
- Uncomfortable?
- Unwilling?
- Unqualified?
- Unavailable?
Other Sermons In This Series

Nehemiah: Active Knowledge
October 28, 2018

Nehemiah: Here I Stand
February 03, 2019

Nehemiah: Everyone Has Something
November 11, 2018