Reopening Update

HBC Church Family;
This past Saturday Governor Cuomo announced in his daily briefing that churches would be able to open immediately but only if they open with a 25% occupancy. This came as a bit of a surprise as churches had previously been told that reopening would not happen until our area of the state was in Phase 4. With that being said, Hartland Bible Church will be reopening this coming Sunday but will be doing so with a number of changes to accommodate the current health crisis.
- If you or any of your household have a runny nose, sore throat, cough, or fever, please stay home and enjoy our online services.
- If you are a part of a high risk group and would rather not risk gathering with others, feel free to continue watching the online service.
- We are asking all people to park in the upper lot of the church and to enter at the rear of the sanctuary. The lower doors will be locked.
- All people in the facility will be required to wear a face mask.
- Upon entering the facility you will be asked to sanitize your hands.
- We are asking that you please practice social distancing and keep a distance of six feet between you those who are not members of your household. To help accommodate this we have removed a number of chairs from the sanctuary. We are also asking that you leave three empty chairs between each family unit.
- We ask that you refrain from handshakes, fist bumps, and hugs.
- We request that if you must use the restroom, that you only use the facility in the rear of the sanctuary.
- At this time we will not be offering any type of childcare during the worship service.
I realize that I just shared a lot of what you can’t do and must do but we also find ourselves in a season where we still have much reason to rejoice!
- God is still on the throne! Things are different but God has not relinquished His power!
- Jesus is still Lord and His sacrifice on the cross still has power to radically change lives!
- The Holy Spirit still indwells all of God’s children!
- The Word of God is still active and powerful!
- The church of God is still alive and has a task to do!
We have much reason to rejoice!
My prayer is that I will see each of you this coming Sunday and that we again can worship our great God together!
Pastor Jon
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